Sunday, July 31, 2011


I have been reading Tim Keller's book King's Cross. It walks through the gospel of Mark and I am learning and seeing things in new ways. In one chapter he talks about Sabbath. I never really knew of the concept of taking a day of rest until college. At that time it felt very legalistic, almost as a means of people being better it was worth a lot of points to God if you didn't do homework on Sundays. So I didn't ever really give it much thought.
I enjoy doing less on Sunday and having time to think about the sermon on Sunday or just relax and not worry about the coming week or responsibilities. But I hadn't really thought about it in the terms that it is written about it Mark. It is the story from Mark 2 when the Pharisees accuse Jesus of working on the Sabbath because he and his disciples have gathered grain. In response to their accusations Jesus goes and heals someone. And says that the sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. And I think that is saying it all. That the Sabbath, this time of rest was made for me....that I need it and therefore he has made it for me.
The word Sabbath means "deep rest, deep peace...a state of wholeness and flourishing in every dimension of life." Keller writes, " Jesus means that he is the Sabbath. He is the source of the deep rest we need. He has come to completely change the way we rest. The one day a week rest we take is just a taste of the deep divine rest we need, and Jesus is its source." 
I don't observe Sabbath to check off another box but to enjoy the creator and lover of my soul. I need this deep rest and deep peace.

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