Thursday, January 6, 2011

What Am I Listening To?

We all live in a world of distractions...there are so many things demanding our attention, screaming louder than the next. My own mind is a great source of distraction..what do I believe and listen to in the mess of thoughts up there? I am in the midst of another flare up, a bad one, and yesterday was a struggle to do anything. It ended up I was at my job, a really difficult place to be when I slept only a few hours because of the pain and could barely move one of my fingers. (Note to self, call out sick next time). Thinking about it today I was thankful I was there in some ways. I had friends there who could help me make it through the pain, who listened, who made me laugh, who encouraged me, who loved me. Sitting at home alone it is easy to get lost in the rabbit trail of my own thoughts and fears in the midst of the pain and get stuck there.
Sunday at church our pastor challenged us with a question which was basically do I look at myself as someone who is loved? For me to know that I need to hear that voice, seek it and sit in its presence.
So I have been thinking this morning what do I listen to? I remembered a story Adrienne had brought home one day. It was an article from the Washington Post about an experiment they did. They took Joshua Bell, one of the greatest violinist ever, and had him play in the subway station during rush hour. Before the test, they thought they would need to be ready to control crowds. But they were sorely mistaken. Here is the youtube link. The article is listed below the video. Essentially over a thousand people passed by in the 40 some minutes he played and only a handful stopped to listen...everyone else continued with their life not realizing they were passing one of the best artists ever, playing for free, playing for their delight, calling them to stop and enjoy. He made 32 dollars in tips, coming from a guy whose tickets probably cost 100 bucks a piece when he plays. And he cut no corners...he played some of the most technically challenging violin pieces ever and with gusto.But the communters rushed by, maybe threw in a quarter. Many didn't even look over at him. In the article Joshua comments about how he felt like he had accomplished something if someone even glanced his way.
So anytime, but especially when things feel crazy, which is most of life, what I am listening to?

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