Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What is that to you? Follow me

Last fall my friend pointed out a passage in John she had read and some observations. I later spent some time there and was impacted by it at the time. I keep coming back to this idea as I know this is something I struggle with a lot, so I decided it was worth talking about.
At the end of John, Jesus has come back and is talking to Peter. He has taken Peter aside and is telling him a few things about his future, ending it with the command, "Follow me." Well Peter turns around and has noticed John trailing behind them. So he points back at John and says "what about him?" Jesus answers him, "If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you? Follow me." (John 21:22).
(Side note, John, as he writes this book, refers to himself several times as "the disciple whom Jesus loved" which I think is hilarious.)
Anyway, back to the story,. Why I am so concerned with other people's lives or what they have or what seems to be going "well" for them. I can get so distracted by this that I find it difficult to focus on the simple command and call on my life. Instead I am the one looking behind me saying what about him?

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