Sunday, November 11, 2012


I am back in home this afternoon and have a load of laundry going...back to the real world. I am really tired, so I am sure these won't be the most coherent thoughts...more once I process and sleep :)
Our last day of surgeries Friday went great-2 more sweet faces-Kibet and Chepkorir. Both did really well.
We had a wrap up meeting Friday night and the mutual feeling was that it was a great trip-things we needed to improve upon from the previous year happened, the teamwork was great, there was a lot of education progress..all in all a good 2 weeks.
On our way back from Tenwek to Nairobi it started raining. Our driver said rain is baraka, or blessing. I sit here, exhausted, jet lagged, worn out feeling like I have been showered with baraka over the past two and a half weeks. From our patients, to witnessing miracles of healing, to our teamwork, to the hilarious things the nurses and patients say, to the beautiful surroundings of Tenwek, to every busy shift and night without sleep, all the many meals of avocado and rice... I feel so blessed by the time there.
More processing and pictures to come, but I'll leave you with Mary-she stole all of our hearts with her absolute cute-ness! (headband is courtesy of us:)

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