Thursday, November 1, 2012


My blog titles are pretty boring here, but I don't usually end up posting until the day after and I am trying to keep up as much as anyone else :)
About a year and a half ago our perfusionist, Tom met another perfusionist, Bob while both being involved in a legal case. They somehow starting talking about Tenwek and Bob has now been coming as a perfusionist. He is a part of our team this year. Before he even came, he sent a pallat to Tenwek that contained, among other things, 2 newer heart lung bypass machines (the one here is 20 ish years old, these are about 8 years old). That pallat got stuck in Mombasa (on the coast of Kenya) for literally this long. Ever since we got here on Friday we have heard that it may be released so we have been praying that it would get released while we are here. The palate arrived here on Tuesday, complete with the pumps. This has allowed us to up our surgeries to 3 a day. Because we have two pumps, while one case is finishing up in OR 1, they are already bringing the next patient back and getting them ready to go on bypass in OR 2...basically it cuts out a lot of turnover time for the room to get cleaned, for anesthesia to get the patient ready, for the surgeon to do all the work before they are ready for bypass.
Sorry, long explanation, but all that to say I don't doubt that the timing of this pumps arrival was a part of God's plan for this week. We had 2 successful days and felt comfortable pushing to 3 cases for the rest of the week. Yesterday, as the rest of the week went very well: 2 more women with mitral valve repairs, Julia and Chepkorir and a man who had TB in the past that caused the sac covering his heart to become thickened (this should feel like paper but his felt more like thick leather-yes we got to touch it). They went in and took out this thickened sac so that his heart now has space to pump effectively. All have done very well.
I know I will never be able to put into words what it is like to be here, to be surrounded by so many people who sacrifice and work so hard to not just try and help people heal, but long for their souls to know a God who loves them so deeply. I am always so struck by it and desire for my life to look more unselfish.
We have been doing nightly nursing devotions, which I have really enjoyed the time for us to all be together since we all work different hours, to stop, to hear a bit of someone's heart and to be still and pray with each other.
Last night Amy shared from the Jesus Calling episode from the day I left...what stood out the most to me was this: "He chose you because of your weaknesses. He knows you needed Him. Depend on Him for everything." I am so arrogant to believe that God chose me because I am particularly good at one thing or another, but the truth is, he chose me because I am weak, because I need him for all, because I can do nothing out of myself. Big reality to think on!
I work nights for the next two, so today I will be trying to rest...I am really bad at this.
I think this years' trip is going to be a bridge to some changes in how our trips look since they are starting to get the hang of things on their own, which is amazing. So prayers for wisdom as we discuss these things.
Peris and me prior to taking her to the floor yesterday

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