Friday, November 9, 2012


The rest of our night on Wednesday went well after Dotta's passing. Our little Truncus repair, Ian, whom I love, did great. I think he will be a runner some day because all night long his feet didn't stop moving. He got his breathing tube out right before we left in the morning. They also did 2 cardiac cath cases, which is a first and both patients did amazing. Their sweet smiles were a gift during the sadness of that night.
Last night, Leah and I got our booties was really busy. There were 3 surgeries yesterday-Mary who is also the cutest little 9 month old, Kipchirchir and Chepkemoi. Between the last two we got asked for maggi or water about 100 times. Chepkemoi got her breathing tube out around midnight and it is like the child has never had a sip of water in her life. At one point she tried to stand up in bed because she said she was going to walk to the faucet to get some. (We have to wait a few hours after they get their breathing tube out before we give them water and then have to go slowly so they don't get sick to their stomach...try explaining that to a 2 year old) Kipchirchir was another miracle. He had a tricuspid valve replaced (for medical folks it was Ebstein-like) and they really didn't think he would be able to come off pump. When he came out of the OR he was sick-on lots of meds for his BP. Somehow we weaned those down enough overnight that he was ready to get his breathing tube out by about 5. Before then he was asking for water. When I told him he couldn't have any because of the breathing tube he said. Will you please take it out so I can have water. He is 8. Very sweet, patient boy. So we took it out and all he wanted was maggi. It is like they have never drunk before. The rest of the morning you just look over and his sleepy hand is beckoning someone to come get him water. He also requested bubbles as soon as he was extubated...hilarious!
When everyone came in this morning they were shocked to see him without the tube and off most of the meds for his bp...lots of people were praying for him last night. I believe that as much as we can do with our skills and our hands here, we can do equally as much in prayer for these patients. I have seen it work again and again-miracles happen, God provides in miraculous ways. I am astounded and grateful.
Made it through my night shifts. I am up again and will go up and stay til later tonight-they are trying for 3 cases to round out the week.
I can't believe I will be leaving this place I love so dearly again tomorrow. Praying about how God wants me to move and work with with the gifts he has given me.
    Ephesians 3:20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us

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