Saturday, November 3, 2012

Week One Down

Saturday evening here and I am sitting in the unit with our last 2 patients-Charles and Chepkoech. They are both doing well and could really go to the floor but there isn't space. We were hoping it would run smoothly so those of us staying over for the weekend get a little rest.
Today we went around to see all our patients on the floor...this is one of my favorite things to do. Their faces light up and the love to give a hug or a handshake. Today was extra special..I have been trying to take some videos of our patients for Hearts of East Africa and I was interviewing my favorite patient, Dorothy. I asked her about her faith and her church. She told me she loved to sing so then she asked may I sing and proceeded to sing some lyrics from her favorite song. I am going to try and upload it tonight when the internet is less full. The song revolves around God healing and bringing one through trial. Such a sweet song for her to love.
I know I have written about Caroline, the awesomest nurse, but we spent some time hearing from her on how the week had gone. In September Dr. Galat, the surgeon who is with us brought a skin and bones team (himself, a perfusionist, an anesthesiolist who doubles in the ICU, 2 nurses-one for days and one for nights). Caroline was here during that week, as were a few of the nurses. She told us this past week has been really nice to have so many nurses and ICU physicians in the room so that we can do more teaching. The September week she said it was crazy and she was having to pull teeth to get nurses to come and work during the week. So she has enjoyed having extra staff who can teach and spend time with each one of them. This is encouraging to hear. This year we have made so much progress in terms of the nurses learning, taking over care of the patients and getting used to the care so they can manage the valve replacement.
My brain is so fried right now, so I will try to be more coherent tomorrow.
Hillary with Amy and Cynthia

Chepkoech, our final patient, getting some recorder time this afternoon

Med Supply-looks just like home, right?

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