Sunday, December 12, 2010

127 Hours..A review

I like movies, but I usually miss them in the theaters. But this is one I have been looking forward to. When this true story happened 6 or 7 years ago I was fascinated by it and read and watched and learned the details of the story. You may not have heard of the movie 127 Hours. I will tell you, it is not for the faint hearted. Back in 2003 the story of Aron Ralston outdoor adventurer who went out to Canyonlands on his own and during his hike got trapped by a boulder at the bottom of a slot canyon. Nobody knew where he had gone and he was alone with an 800 lb boulder pinning his right hand. He had prepared to be out for the day only so had only a few snacks and a small amount of water, no layers, not even a proper knife. The movie follows his adventure leading up to the incident, his 5 day stay at the bottom of a slot canyon, his thoughts and recordings of himself while there, and his bizarre escape The movie is based on the true story of Aron and his fight to live.
I think most know the story...he cuts his arm off in order to escape. Yes, they show it and no I didn't really watch that part or listen because you can imagine how incredibly horrible that would be. But I do think the story is great even with this gruesome scene. He fought hard to stay alive. Once he had done the dirty work he still had 8 miles to get back to his car. But he kept going...
For me nature is one of those places that helps remind me of how small I am and how great the Lord is and how insane his creation is...the canyonlands of Utah are no exception to this.
Obviously  being close to death makes him examine his life, how he lives, how he loves those in his life, etc. In the story Aron even says something to the effect of: my whole life has been leading up to this moment, this boulder has been waiting for me to come for this to happen. Which gets me thinking about all the things that have happened in my life to get me to this exact moment I am in. Am I thankful for those things? Am I thankful for where I am? Is Aron thankful that he had that whole experience? He didn't quit hiking and climbing and being in nature..I think he just tells someone where he is headed now. So he didn't let fear keep him from pursuing what he loved.
Anyway, great movie, James Franco does a really good job, go prepared for the scene but don't let it keep you from enjoying the story.

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