Monday, December 13, 2010

Snow and other thoughts

I know, we freak out in the south when it snows. Yesterday we got about 2 inches along with weather in the teens and really strong winds. I love love the snow..I love to be out in it and I love that everything seems so much quieter when it is like the world stops and watches is. I know this isn't actually true, but I know most of us down here stop and watch because we don't get to see it too frequently.
I lucked out and had today off, which I never have Mondays off. So I got to enjoy it for two days. Tomorrow I go back to work and I am sure it will all be melted by the time I have a day off again. Here are a few shots of the walk today. We have a greenway about half a mile from our house that I love going to in the snow. There is a creek and several neat bridges and it is closer to being in the woods than the streets are. Snow makes mundane things beautiful and sparkly and clean. I wish there was a way to take a picture of how the snow makes things shimmer. was really windy so the pretty tree snow didn't stick around.
This is why we freak out: ice!
Tomorrow morning it is supposed to be 8 degrees outside when I walk in to work...I am not so sure about that or how to make my paper thin scrub pants give me some warmth out there.The other nice thing about the snow is a lot of things get canceled. Today was supposed to be a busy day for me and I have ended up with a lot more time to relax and enjoy being outside and enjoy reading and journaling. At church they have been preaching about the wonder of the season and I have wanted to spend a lot of time reading and thinking about this...this idea of me being wow-ed by Christ and his love and sacrifice and all that went into the telling of this story and the redemption of what was told. Today I was reading Isaiah 61, the end of which has always been a favorite. But the first few verses are where I was today..telling of the spirit of the Lord. Some of the phrases in verse 3 stopped me: "to comfort all who mourn, to grant those who mourn in Zion, giving them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting , so they will be called oaks of righteousness."
I know I wrote last week about my grumpiness and discontent and these verses spoke to me in this as well. They spoke to the places of me that doubt who the Lord made me to be and the doubt I have when life gets hard (as it always seems to be). The spoke of the Lord's spirit comforting, gifting me, filling me with gladness and praise and renaming me an oak, a strong tower of his righteousness. Spend some time on the wonder of that!
Oh and I found dairy free cookies at Trader Joe's today!

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