Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I am not good at resting. I am usually multi-tasking or if I am trying to rest I am also thinking about all the things I need to do once I finish with my resting. I know it is an important thing as I need time to be refreshed and renewed, to sit and listen, and to not be doing well anything. The image that comes to mind is from Psalm 23: He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside still waters, He restores my soul. I find it interesting that it says He makes me lie down...that this is a process that is not always easy or something I always want to be doing, but something that I need to do enough that I will be made to do it. And in doing it He will restore my soul. And that this is something I need, otherwise I wouldn't be made to do it.
I have been doing a lot of resting since school finished, especially while on Christmas vacation. I got some unexpected days off work and have gotten to spend more time than I normally do sleeping, reading, relaxing, being outside, thinking, sitting. It has been really needed and I do feel refreshed.
I don't make new year's resolutions, but I do think in general I need to be mindful of: how much am I resting? Am I taking time to be still, to listen to my thoughts, to listen at all? Do I feel guilty for not doing something and taking time to do what is good for my soul?

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